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St. Joseph's N.S. Mulhussey, Kilcock, Co. Meath

A Visit from The Heritage Council - The Importance of Bees

29th Sep 2023

Today we had a wonderful visit from Edel Heeran from The Heritage Council. She gave a powerpoint presentation to the children where she spoke about our wild bees and honey bees and how the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan was developed for them. The children were able to view bees in bug pots, an educational hive, a smoker, a beesuit and honey. The children really enjoyed tasting the honey! 

After lunch the presentation and discussion brought the children outside to our school garden and our new outdoors classroom space. The children participated in a nature walk. They were given clipboards with identification guides for trees and wildflowers which they used to identify species and write them down. An extremely interesting and important afternoon of working scientifically was enjoyed by all!