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St. Joseph's N.S. Mulhussey, Kilcock, Co. Meath
Enrolment for September 2025 Enrolment begins for the 2025/2026 academic year on Monday 6th of January. The enrolment form is available on the school website or by emailing the school. [Open Document]
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Creative Committee join Valerie

9th Apr 2024

Our Creative associate, Valerie visited our school today and met with our Creative Committee.  We played some warm up games to help us get to know each other better, then we got down to business.  The Creative Committee discussed what creativity was to them and what creative things they do in school and out of school.  They discussed what creative things they could make for our school or for our lovely outdoor classroom.  They came up with lots of lovely ideas such as gnomes, ornaments, pots, bird houses and wind chimes.  The children went outside and collected natural objects and used these to make prints and stencils onto the clay pots they created.  They will paint and varnish these on another day.  The Creative Committee and Valerie began to roll, cut, and smooth the leaves they had made.  The creative committee went into each classroom and explained that each pupil will get clay leaf which they will get to design and make print on it.  We will all wait patiently while our clay leaves dry and then we will paint them.