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St. Joseph's N.S. Mulhussey, Kilcock, Co. Meath
Enrolment for September 2025 Enrolment begins for the 2025/2026 academic year on Monday 6th of January. The enrolment form is available on the school website or by emailing the school. [Open Document]
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Say Yes to Languages Programme

25th Apr 2024

Mrs Madden and Madam Kennedy held a special assembly today to celebrate our 'Say yes to Languages Programme'.  Madam Kennedy has completed an 8 week block of French lessons with every class in our school.  Every pupil has been learning French and some of the older pupils where able to show their work and tell us about themselves in French.   Madam Kennedy reflected and celebrated the pupils enthusiasm, dedication and smiling faces during her time in the different classrooms.  Every child was presented with a certificate of participation and all the pupils in the school sang a beautiful rendition of Freres Jacques to end our special assembly.