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St. Joseph's N.S. Mulhussey, Kilcock, Co. Meath
Enrolment for September 2025 Enrolment begins for the 2025/2026 academic year on Monday 6th of January. The enrolment form is available on the school website or by emailing the school. [Open Document]
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Science week in 1st and 2nd

17th Nov 2023
Lots of fun was had during Science week.  We laughed at the science jokes, took part in a class quiz and watched some interesting videos.  We also completed an experiment using gummy sweets.  We predicted what would happen to the sweets when they were left in water for 4 days.  We also thought of a way to help the Billy Goats Gruff get to the other side of the bridge safely, and not have to pass the troll...we made a raft!  We had to test our rafts to see if they would float and carry the animals over.