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St. Joseph's N.S. Mulhussey, Kilcock, Co. Meath
Easter Holidays School will close for the Easter holidays at 12pm on Friday 11th of April 2025. School reopens on April 28th at 9.10am.
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Free Primary School Book Scheme

In recognition of the cost of preparing children and young people for the return to primary school each September, Minister for Education Norma Foley T.D. has announced funding to provide free schoolbooks, including workbooks and copybooks, from September 2023. This scheme will eliminate the cost to parents of providing these resources.

Funding has been provided directly to primary schools and special schools by the Department to implement the scheme and schools have responsibility for providing schoolbooks, workbooks and copybooks to all children and young people at the start of the school year.

All schoolbooks will remain the property of the school so that books can be reused in future years. Schoolbooks will be provided on loan to children and young people for the duration of the 2023/24 school year and must be returned to school at the end of the school year.

Parents are requested to remind their children to take care of their books and keep them in good condition during the year. It is not permitted to write on certain textbooks.

The schemes we are using across the school include;




Starlight Programme (All Classes)

Jolly Phonics (Junior Infants – 2nd Class)

Just Phonics (Junior and Senior Infants)


Bua na Cainte (All Classes)

Fuaimeanna agus Focail (2nd – 6th Class)


Busy at Maths (All Classes)

Tables Champion (1st – 6th Class)

Master Your Maths (1st – 6th Class)


It’s a Small World (All Classes)


Grow in Love (All Classes)

My Confirmation Book (6th Class)


Gina Cullen Tin Whistle Book Volume 1 (3rd – 6th Class)