Access Keys:

St. Joseph's N.S. Mulhussey, Kilcock, Co. Meath
Easter Holidays School will close for the Easter holidays at 12pm on Friday 11th of April 2025. School reopens on April 28th at 9.10am.
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School Uniform Requirements:

  • Navy jumper with school crest
  • Navy tracksuit bottoms
  • Blue polo t-shirt
  • Suitable footwear (Runners)
  • Navy knee length shorts can be worn to school in Term 1 & 3
  • Students can wear their own coat to school in cold weather

The school uniform is worn to school everyday with the exception of non-uniform days. Parents will be informed of non-uniform days.

Bags and clothes should be marked with the child's name.

The school cannot be responsible for items lost. A lost and found box is kept in the school office.

Non-uniform days are at the discretion of the school principal. Students may be asked to wear a particular colour to represent a specific charity/activity/event if they so wish. School uniform can be worn on these days should students prefer.

The school jumper is available to purchase at ‘Books and Gifts’ in Kilcock.