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St. Joseph's N.S. Mulhussey, Kilcock, Co. Meath
Easter Holidays School will close for the Easter holidays at 12pm on Friday 11th of April 2025. School reopens on April 28th at 9.10am.
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Friendship Week


Friendship Week/Anti-Bullying Week offers pupils the opportunity to celebrate friendship and promote positive relationships. It is a chance for the whole school community to reach out to others.

Each class engaged in some ‘Circle Time’ activities as well as creating a whole school ‘We all Fit Together’ jigsaw display. At our whole school assembly we talked about what makes a good friend. Story books including ‘Have you filled a Bucket Today?’ ‘Rainbow Fish’ and ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ formed a foundation for discussion.

8th Mar 2024
February was another fun-filled month in the Junior and Senior Infant classroom!...
29th Feb 2024
The children have enjoyed taking part in the different activities chosen for friendship...
21st Aug 2023
We celebrated Friendship Week recognising and learning about what qualities make...